Teaching English Volunteer Program in Nepal is an enjoyable and satisfying experience where the volunteers get the opportunity to teach the students who are eager to improve their conversational English skills. Volunteers work primarily as instructors of English either in Nepali public or private schools.

Role of volunteer
You will be teaching either in public or private schools in a rural or urban location. A volunteer will be teaching English to school children for 2 to 4 periods of a day, each period is 45 minutes. Volunteers will teach 5-6 days a week, Saturday is the day off and there are some public holidays. Most of the school children in private schools have a good command of written English but have poor conversational skills, this is an area where you can really help. Government school children have only beginners’ level of English. In the urban location during the first week the local teacher will assist you to conduct classes and help solve any language barriers. When the children become familiar with you, you will then be able to run classes independently. All private and public schools have a curriculum which you can follow or adapt as you like. If you have any additional skills in extra curricula activities like teaching games, music, painting, singing, dancing, yoga, martial arts etc then you are most welcome and encouraged to apply these skills.